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  • Revenge Pantry Moth Traps

    The Roxide Revenge Pantry Moth Traps are a powerful trap that attracts and captures pantry moths (Indian meal moth, Mediterranean flour moth, almond moth, raisin moth and seed moth). These moths are found in flour, rice, crackers, dog food, bird seed and cereals. The traps are oderless and non-toxic so they can be safely placed next to foodstuffs.

    Here's How They Work
    Each trap uses a special moth pheromone (sex lure) that excites male moths. By trapping male moths, mating is disrupted and egg laying ceases. Continued use of the traps ensures any earlier laid eggs will be caught when they emerge as adults.

    • Lure & Kill Pantry Moths & More
    • Last for 3 Months
    • Non-Toxic & Odorless
    • Contains 2 Traps
    Only 4 left in stock
    Not rated yet
    • $9.49